a poem
i love you.
not in the conventional sense that i choose you over anything else.
not in the way most people love,
putting their hearts on the line and wishing for forever.
i love you in the fucked up way i know how to love.
im there for you.
im here for you.
i’d do anything for you.
but maybe that’s not what love is all about.
i love you with my heart that breaks at the thought of you not loving yourself.
you’re fucking precious,
and you can’t even see you for your beauty.
but don’t worry, my love:
i see you for your beauty.
i love you even when you don’t love yourself —
nay, even though you don’t love yourself.
i love you more than you can ever love yourself.
i love you when you look into the mirror,
gawking at all your flawless imperfections.
but even more so,
i love you when you look into the mirror,
adoring the face that looks before you.
i love you when you look to me for answers.
i love you when you turn to the universe for questions.
i love you when you run yourself silly past my confusion.
i love you when you dance yourself wild toward your clarity.
even when no one else loves you,
i do…
because you are me,
and i, you.
i love you.