Photo by Esther Tuttle on Unsplash

What Love Means to Me

Natalie Jeanne Maddy


Love is changing me

Love to me, means wanting the best for you.
— me

oh baby,
i love you more than you’ll ever know

and if that means you’re better off without me?
i accept that as our fate

but selfishly,
i would die inside if you and i weren’t together
because i have so much love and passion for you
and passion is derived from the root word suffer,
don’t you know?

so because of you,
i’m transforming myself into my best self
so that you aren’t better off without me
because i don’t want it to be me and you:
i want it to be us
and so it is us,
forever and always

love is changing me, baby,
and i’m here for it…

love is changing me

i’m communicating more,
which has been a struggle of mine since birth (no joke — ask my mom when i was deaf and therefore couldn’t talk properly),
and revealing to you my truest thoughts
because you deserve to choose the real me and…



Natalie Jeanne Maddy

I try to rouse others to find their truths by writing about my own!💋Yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy teacher. Author of 5 books — thriller, healing, poetry.